- 双语例句
If Snape could catch it on that broomstick, you can.
要是斯奈普能骑着那把除去尘土抓到钥匙, 那你也能抓到.
Here is my broomstick, here is my hat.
这是我的帚柄, 这是我的帽子.
For one of my Halloween parties, he created an electrical pumpkin and mounted, it on broomstick.
有一次万圣节, 他为我做了个电南瓜, 还把它装在唯一扫帚把上.
They watched as she took a broomstick to clean the dirt from her stone steps.
He falls twenty feet from a broomstick.
Bring me her broomstick, and I'll grant your requests.
把她的扫帚柄拿来给我, 而我就允诺你们的要求.
Comet: Type of broomstick flown by Cho Chang.
Have Neville ever learned to ride a broomstick?
纳威最后学会用扫帚飞行了 吗 ?
In pictures, you often see a black cat on the back of a witch's broomstick.
在一些图上, 你经常看到一只黑猫在女巫的帚柄的后面.
Cleansweep 7 Type of broomstick used by Fred and George Weasley.
What does it really feel like to ride a broomstick?
The witch is riding on a broomstick.
Even during his first ride on a broomstick, Harry was recognized as an outstanding flyer.
哈利第一次骑上飞天扫帚, 就被认定是一位杰出的飞行员了.
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