- 双语例句
China Blue calico from the Qin and Han, Sheng Yu Song.
中国蓝印花布源于秦汉, 盛于宋代.
China Blue Calico process, that is, using leak Edition business card printing and membership card.
我国的蓝印花布工艺, 就是采用漏孔版制卡和会员卡制作的.
As Hetty concluded, she reverently unrolled a small English Bible from its envelope of coarse calico.
海蒂说完, 就庄重地从印花粗布套子里拿出一本小版本英语《圣经》.
This kind of Latin American printed calico is popular among customers.
Calico Screen Printing on Dacron Textile Products ( Part 1 )
突破常规的涤纶织物印花工艺 ( 一 )
USE: Suitable for cutting all kinds of kraft paper 、 tea paperboard 、 grass paperboard 、 calico and art paper.
用途: 适用于牛皮纸、茶板纸、草板纸、印花纸、和铜板纸的分切.
Red cloth plain white cloth, calico wraps date plum persimmon.
红布包白布, 白布包黑枣.
The colonists bartered calico with the natives for furs.
Si rat, bite calico sack.
饲老鼠, 咬布袋.
CPA ( Calico Product Association )
棉布印花工作者协会(英国 )
There are some color stains in this piece of calico.
Charles Bernouin in 1672 in Regensburgstrapped a rocket to himself, as well as calico wings.
The colonists bartered calico with the Indians for furs.
Her faded calico dress was open to the waist and her large bronze breast exposed.
Return the home in, on bag of lane piece calico, ling lamely Xue gave the door.
回到家里, 弄块白布包上, 玲儿一瘸一拐地踅出了门.
The company imported a lot of calico from a foreign country.
The colonists bartered calico for Indian land.
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