- 双语例句
Can you can a can as a cannery cans can?
这句绕口令的意思是:你能向罐头厂那样装罐头 吗 ?
Steinbeck's first postwar novel, Cannery Row , returned to the scenes of his native California.
The cannery was abandoned almost as soon as it was built.
Tongue Twister : Can you can a can as a cannery cans can?
你能像罐头厂那样装罐头 吗 ?
Ivan was canned , he stole some spay cans , watering cans and trash cans from the cannery.
伊凡喝醉了, 他从罐头厂偷走了好多喷雾罐, 喷水壶和垃圾箱.
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