- 双语例句
Borax carmine A dye used to stain nuclei for light microscopy.
What about roast Beijing duck and carmine goose?
北京烤鸭和胭脂香鹅 怎么样 ?
Sunset Carmine, no rain is wind.
日落胭脂红, 无雨便是风.
The wind of the autumn colour the maples carmine .
The larger Buddha was painted carmine red and the smaller one was multicolored , Mr. Melzl said.
梅兹尔说, 大佛涂上胭脂红,小佛涂上多种颜色.
Carmine , which can be found in yoghurts and juice drinks , is actually powdered , dried, red beetles!
我们在酸奶和果汁中看到的胭脂红, 实际上是干胭脂虫的粉末!
So a carmine goose, a celery with garlic, a Lian Guo soup. Am I correct?
您点的是胭脂香鹅, 芹菜加大蒜, 连锅汤, 对 吗 ?
Purple lake is prepared like carmine lake with the addition of lime.
Carmine Falcone : Because you think you've got nothing to lose.
卡迈福肯: 因为你认为你没有任何损失.
The dish is fresh, fragrant , salty and sweet with the carmine color.
这道菜用材新鲜, 香甜入口,颜色殷红.
Carmine Falcone : You're taller than you look in the tabloids, Mr. Wayne.
卡迈福肯: 你比你在小报上看起来要高一些, 韦恩先生.
The dish is salty and sweet with the carmine color and great aroma.
What is the carmine goose like?
This dish is fresh, fragrant, salty and sweet with a carmine color.
这道菜用料新鲜, 香味浓郁, 咸中带甜,色泽鲜红.
This dish is fresh, fragrant, salty and sweet with the carmine color.
这道菜用料新鲜, 香味浓郁, 咸中带甜,色泽殷红.
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