- 双语例句
His silly jokes, chestnuts of great antiquity, made Bertha sweat coldly.
他那些愚蠢的玩笑, 早已过时的馊话弄得丽莎直冒冷汗.
The beeches, oaks and chestnuts all belong to the same family.
山毛榉树 、 橡树和栗子树属于同科树种.
" Chestnuts this size are hard to come by.
“ 这样大栗子不容易得到. ”
汉英文学 - 中国现代小说
He chatted quite a while and ate some chestnuts.
他说了半天话才走,吃过些干栗子. ”
汉英文学 - 中国现代小说
The chestnuts in Paris were all in bloom.
I sat holding the hot chestnuts. After crying a while , Mama burned the paper ingots.
我坐在坟头的旁边, 弄着手里那几个栗子.
汉英文学 - 中国现代小说
A man in the street was selling bags of hot chestnuts.
Sister: ( Bring fruit over ) Peter, please taste our local product , Shicheng chestnuts!
姐姐: ( 端水果过来 ) 彼得, 尝尝我们的特产吧, 石城板栗!
We ate half a jin of roast chestnuts, had a nap and soon arrived in Beijing.
一路上吃了半斤炒栗子, 睡了一会儿觉,就到了北京.
汉英文学 - 散文英译
Neither was eager to pull our chestnuts out of the fire.
" Do you have monkey - chestnuts there? "
“ 你们那里可有猴栗? ”
汉英文学 - 中国现代小说
Talk of chestnuts loosened the tongue of this inarticulate young man.
汉英文学 - 中国现代小说
Peter: Oh, there is bread, cookies and Shicheng chestnuts.
彼得: 哦, 有面包 、 饼干,还有石城板栗.
" They're fine chestnuts, don't you like them? "
“ 这个很好, 你不欢喜 么 ? ”
汉英文学 - 中国现代小说
She then sent Xiangzi to buy a pound of chestnuts.
汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子
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