- 双语例句
The soles of his feet were raw with chilblain.
After how reducing unripe chilblain to after reducing unripe chilblain, itch again painful symptom?
Objective : To evaluate the effect of Marvelous Frostbite Curing Liquid on chilblain.
目的: 考察冻疮神水治疗冻疮的效果.
How to treat the chilblain on the hand, won't have a relapse the 2 nd year winter?
怎样治疗手上的冻疮, 第二年冬天才不会复发 呢 ?
Chilblain is incidental depend on the place such as hand, foot, ear or nose needle.
冻疮轻易发生在于手 、 脚 、 耳朵或鼻尖等处.
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