- 双语例句
As a consequence, classicism in painting was quickly taken the place of by romanticism.
结果, 绘画领域的古典主义很快就被浪漫主义所代替.
Kant, unconsciously, had prejudice for classicism instead of romanticism, which represents Kant's real look.
康德在不自觉中偏向了古典主义而非浪漫主义, 这才是康德艺术观的本来面目.
In succession to classicism and modernism, post modernism becomes the instrument for the shift of aesthetics.
继古典主义、现代主义之后, 后现代主义文化思潮成为美学话语转型有力工具.
Although classicism was not restrained to any one country, its principal center was France.
虽然古典主义没有被限制在任何一个国家, 但它主要的中心是法国.
Classicism often derived its models from the ancient Greeks and Romans.
This grand is designed specially for advocates of classicism.
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