- 双语例句
The singer hit a clinker.
This material is variously termed ash, clinker, cinders or slag.
这种材料有不同的名称,如灰 、 炉渣 、 煤渣或矿渣.
Lateral clinker bulking systems is set at the side of silos.
The inlet is the biggest source of pollution in the new dry process cement clinker line.
In 1947 the furnace was lined with clinker some ten metres high.
This paper studies also the main factors that affect the sintering and clinker digestion.
The industrial experiment on utilizing sludge sewage treatment pla nt to produce cement clinker was introduced.
The influences of iron modulus on the formation kinetics of portland cement clinker have been investigative.
Cement, Clinker, Slag, Gypsum, Limestone, Tsp Fertilizer and Soda ash Light Lime and Lime Products.
采购产品水泥, 熟料, 矿渣, 石膏, 石灰石, 纯碱轻石灰及石灰产品.
Quality stability of raw meal influenced the clinker quality.
The products are including steel cargo, equipments, cement, clinker, iron ore , nickle ore, coke etc.
主要运输的产品有钢材, 设备, 水泥, 水泥熟料, 铁矿, 焦炭等.
The higher operating costs can be offset against the cement clinker.
The white cement without clinker was prepared by metakaolinite, lime and gypsum as main raw materials.
以偏高岭土 、 石灰和石膏为主要原料制得无熟料白水泥.
This article introduces a measuring system of temperature field using CCD for cement cooler clinker.
本文介绍一种基于CCD比 色法的水泥篦冷机熟料温度场测量系统.
The newly formed concrete companies, and cement clinker production line of Baoji echo.
此次新组建的混凝土公司, 与宝鸡水泥熟料生产线呼应.
Clinker, Cement, Minerals , Lead Ore, Zinc Ore Minerals and Refractories.
采购产品熔结块, 水泥, 领引矿石, 锌矿石,矿物和耐火材料.
Electronic belt scale system is used for dosing clinker and additives.
Do Jingmen cement clinker line is focused on industrial construction projects in Hubei Province.
Iron and Steel, Scrap , Cement and Sand, Clinker, Cement, Steel, Scrap.
采购产品钢铁, 废料, 水泥和沙子, 水泥熟料, 水泥, 钢铁.
All of them influence the slag resistances of spinel clinker and its castable refractory.
The statistic algorithm for clinker block distribution rotary klin is proposed according to the simulated image.
The plant has a capacity of 2 , 600 tons of clinker a day.
该水泥厂的生产量为每天 2600 吨的渣块.
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