- 双语例句
The cloister linked the most important elements of an abbey together.
The ancient cloister was a structure of red brick picked out with white stone.
They went out into the still, shadowy cloister garden.
他们出了房间,走到那个寂静 、 阴沉的修道院的园子里去.
To shut away from the world in or as if in a cloister; seclude .
与 尘世 隔离好像在修道院里一样.
The following day, this person encountered tickler, go begging avalokitesvara in cloister.
第二天, 这人碰到了难事, 便去寺庙里求观音.
A cloister that opens strategically , looking for the right amount of sun, light and views.
一个精心设计的回廊,可以获取适当的阳光 、 光线和风景.
A photograph of the Pingnan Cloister Garden.
He coiled around the moist cloister pillars.
To furnish ( a building ) with a cloister.
设回廊于用回廊装饰 ( 一幢建筑 )
You may still long for cloister, but learn this lesson first.
纵然盼望回到过去, 可是要首先学会生.
When I stepped out of the cloister I had no idea where my path would lead.
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