- 双语例句
The site , located near the neck or collarbone, is kept covered with a dressing.
这一位于颈部或者领口下面的区域, 是用敷料覆盖的.
Not long after those results came in, he crashed during a race, snapping his collarbone.
在得出这个结果后不久, 他在一次比赛碰撞中撞断了锁骨.
The author pointed out indwelling intravenous ducts under collarbone ensured smooth performance of marrow transplantation.
Miss Davies: Yes, it's just near my collarbone.
戴维斯小姐: 可以, 就在我的锁骨附近.
The most common injury, I'm told ( thankfully, there are none today ), is a broken collarbone.
我听说 ( 庆幸的是今天没有发生 ), 俯跳最常见的伤是锁骨折断.
Manchester United have confirmed that Nemanja Vidic suffered a broken collarbone against Blackburn Rovers on Saturday.
Only one finger fits between baby's collarbone and the harness strap?
Gordon: The only serious relationship I've been in ended in a broken collarbone ameerkat.
戈登: 我曾经有过的一段惟一一次严肃的恋爱关系,最后却以一块被打碎的锁骨作为终结.
This explains the fractured skull and collarbone.
Next , squat down to drive your right knee into his collarbone.
It was successfully removed but while he was recovering, he his bike and broke his collarbone.
手术虽然成功了,但是在恢复期间, 他骑单车时又发生了意外,折断了锁骨.
This scene always feeling like Jiaoren prominent collarbone, fugue in four of the last fold.
这样的情景总是想叫人摸着凸显的锁骨, 神游在褶皱四起的昨天.
Harold had a broken collarbone.
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