- 双语例句
The Japanese government protested against the action of conservationist against the Japanese whale catcher.
Conservationist tenant preferred, but extractive forestry also considered.
保育人士优先考虑, 但采掘业也会考虑.
Celebrates the life of the late conservationist and inspirational writer Roger Deakin.
Harrison Ford. Actor . Conservationist . And friend of frogs.
哈里森?福特, 演员,保护主义者和青蛙之友.
Today's explorer must also be a conservationist.
Conservationist tenant preferred, but extractive forestry also considered. Please apply to the Cameroonian minister of forestry.
保育人士优先考虑, 但采掘业也会考虑.良机不再,有意者请速向喀麦隆林业部申请.
The great conservationist talks about Jersey , her husband Gerald and her vision for the future.
伟大的环保专家谈论了关于泽西 、 她的丈夫杰拉尔德以及她将来的视觉.
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