- 双语例句
the annual seal cull
The main control strategy is to rapidly cull infected poultry and minimise direct contact with humans.
A good manager insures there are specific action plans for all major cull and rework defects.
Jake had said, Cull has plants the ability Could ruin oneself once deep love thing.
杰克就说过, 卡尔有种能力,能把自己曾经深爱的东西毁掉.
We need to do more research into their population, and we may need to cull more.
我们需要对它们的数量进行更多的研究, 而且可能会增加人工淘汰的数量. ”
Environment Secretary David Miliband told parliament the cull should be finished later on Monday.
Said Dr. Cull to the high school students touring the laboratory.
The plan to cull large numbers of baby seals has angered environmental groups.
(扑杀大量海豹宝宝的计画,已经激怒了环保组织. )
And they don't like hunters, so we can't cull the wolves attacking our livestock.
他们也不喜欢猎人, 所以我们没有办法阻止狼群袭击我们的牲口.
Each autumn, the villagers will cull the sick members of the herd.
每年秋天, 村民们都要挑出畜群里的病弱杀掉.
Cull deeply loves his team, his training and the teammate.
卡尔热爱他的球队 、 他的教练和队友.
We have no idea what lead to this dog cull.
It is usually good practice to cull the poorest prior to field planting.
To save remaining herds and habitat, the national parks department is planning to cull 2000 elephants.
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