- 双语例句
The output of the decoder should be converted back to an analogue signal by similar means.
Error concealment by postat the decoder can involve temporal prediction , spatial prediction and conjunction of them.
对于解码器端的错误隐藏技术主要用时域隐藏, 空域隐藏及几种技术结合使用的方法.
The algorithm of this paper employs three coding rate . It comprises two parts, coder and decoder.
本文介绍的算法使用了三种编码速率, 分编码器和解码器两部分.
The instruction decoder decodes the instruction in IR.
The ASIC chip of speech decoder is designed in this paper.
This means that the effective system delay introduces by the decoder is negligible.
Practical problems: The encoder and decoder share a staggering amount of code.
实现的问题: 编码器和解码器共享了惊人的数量的代码.
An instruction decoder based on CPLD and AT 89 C 51 is designed in this paper.
Special Agent Inc. Sunplus decoder IC, amplifier IC, supply in time!
公司特代理凌阳解码IC 、 功放IC, 供货及时!
The HSS is used for checking the conformance of a bitstream or a decoder.
I think maybe could add a new CD decoder for Teac 7 N?
解码器可能会出现在我的下一套系统(计划中) 吧.
This paper proposes a design scheme of hardware accelerator for CABAC decoder in H. 264.
提出一种针对H. 264标准的CABAC解码器的硬件加速器的设计方案.
You do not have a decoder installed to handle this file.
MCU analog decoder 2272, using interrupt method to determine precise synchronization code.
51单片机模拟2272解码, 采用中断方法,精确判断同步码.
Brand new more stable video decoder.
A transcoder for transcoding digital video signals includes a decoder and an encoder.
Caesar Encoder and Decoder source code integrity, and can be used directly.
凯撒编解码器的源代码的完整性, 并可以直接使用.
We also discuss the embedding capacity, the optimum watermark decoder and detector and system protocol.
还讨论了水印体系的容量 、 水印的最优解码器和检测器构造及体系协定.
This thesis covers the IC design of a DAB audio decoder.
JPEG decoder for the implementation of JPEG decoding and encoding. Everyone to share.
JPEG解码,用于实现JPEG的解码和编码. 大家来共享.
Variable Length Decoder ( VLD ) has been widely used in kinds of video coding standards.
可变长 解码器 广泛用于各种视频压缩标准中.
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