- 双语例句
Structural changes of dental enamel , dentine, cementum and pulpal reactions in carious process are discussed.
其中,釉质龋的研究资料最为丰富, 其次是牙本质, 有关牙骨质龋的资料最少.
To study the effect of Green OrTM in the treatment of dentine hypersensitivity.
Ivory is really only dentine and is no different from ordinary teeth.
Dentine hypersensitivity is common in Chinese adults, with the prevalence of 29.7 %.
牙本质敏感在我国成人中比较普遍, 患病率为29.7%.
The maximum main stress value of enamel , and dental prosthetic restoration were more than dentine obviously.
牙釉质 、 修复体的最大应力值明显大于牙本质的最大应力值.
Objective To know the mechanisms of treating dentine hypersensitivity by NS Paint.
Give local anesthesia . Drill to open a tooth, clean dentine.
钻开牙齿, 去除腐坏的牙质.
Green OrTM was an effective drug to treat dentine hypersensitivity.
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