- 双语例句
The dermis is composed of the connective tissue that supports the epidermis.
At low magnification, the collagen of the dermis is increased.
低倍镜下, 皮肤的胶原增加.
Topical creams can only affect the dermis, or the upper portion of your skin.
局部霜剂只能作用真皮层, 或者皮肤的上层.
For chronic, recurrent, deep dermis and subcutaneous tissue of the large localized edema.
为慢性 、 复发性 、 真皮深层及皮下组织的大片局部性水肿.
The dermis contains sensory nerves and Blood vessels within connective tissue.
Vellus hair follicles, sebaceous glands and eccrine glands inthe overlying dermis were also noted.
上方真皮层中含有毫毛囊 、 皮脂腺及汗腺.
Proliferated, dense and gently hyalinized collagen fibers forwere observedand lower dermis.
真皮中下层胶原纤维增生 、 致密、红染,轻度玻璃样变.
A fissure is a linear cleft through the epidermis, or into the dermis.
HSV is adept at penetrating the dermis and reaching the nerve pathways.
Oil glands are is the dermis.
Skin biopsy showed multiple cysts and ducts mainly composed of clear cells in the dermis.
The dermis houses hair follicles and glands with ducts pass up through the skin.
The histopathology of the lesion showed considerable foam cells in the dermis.
Objective : To study the effect of eyelid reconstruction replacing tarsus with plantar dermis.
目的: 探讨用自体足底皮代替睑板行眼睑再造术的效果.
It is composed of 3 layers – the epidermis the dermis and the subcutaneous tissue.
Although very thin, the epidermis serves to protect the underlying dermis.
表皮虽然非常薄, 却可用来保护下层的真皮.
Histopathological findings showed that a follicle in the dermis was surrounded by a inflammatory infiltration.
To study the effect of eyelid reconstruction replacing tarsus with plantar dermis.
Objective Utilizing dermis slice to correct facial depression, in order to reach the facial harmonious beauty.
目的:利用真皮片矫治面部凹陷畸形, 以达到面部的和谐美.
The construction features of fibroblast in the dermis were observed by transmission electron microscope ( TEM ).
透射 电镜 观察膜上成纤维细胞形态及结构特点.
Histopathology showed the decreased and fragmented elastic fibers in the dermis.
Moisturizers do not prevent wrinkles because they cannot penetrate into the dermis to stimulate collagen synthesis.
Ulcers are rounded or irregularly shaped loss of the epidermis plus some portion of the dermis.
Histopathological examination revealed mucin deposition in the upper dermis.
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