- 双语例句
The concern with stigma fits well into broader and older concern with deviance and its labelling.
By continuously measuring it, network administrators can detect the decrease and deviance of the network quality.
藉由持续衡量之, 网路管理者得以察觉网路品质的降低与异常.
When the inertia constant of the perturbed system is approaching zero, so is the frequency deviance.
当摄动系统的发电机惯性时间常数趋向于零时, 各频率分量也趋向于零.
But also because his deviance is psychologically subversive to the others'spontaneous virility.
Students report that the best way to reduce Internet deviance is Internet users to control themselves.
Shortly afterward, government censors began a campaign, ostensibly against Internet pornography and other forms of deviance.
此后不久, 政府审查者开始了一场战役, 表面上针对网络色情和其它异常行为.
His mother noticed his deviance , however.
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