- 双语例句
Up to 100,000 Irish pigs to be culled because of dioxin scare.
The paper introduces the harm of Dioxin pollution , the mechanism and the prohibitive means.
因此,弄清二口恶英的危害、焚烧中的产生 、 以及如何抑制产生,很有必要.
Hene, many counties have taken active steps against dioxin emission The relevant standards the been established.
因此, 各国对其排放及控制都采取积极的措施,制定了相应的标准.
Dioxin chemicals causes cancer, especially breast cancer.
戴奥辛化学品致癌, 尤其是乳腺癌.
They also spew toxic chemicals such as benzene and dioxin into the atmosphere.
Airborne dioxin is not the only problem from incinerators.
It has been a hazard downstream of paper mills bleachpulp and produces dioxin.
Keywords: ash, heavy metal, dioxin, melting technology, slag.
关键词: 灰渣 、 重金属 、 戴奥辛 、 熔融技术 、 熔渣.
Government tests show that it emits virtually dioxin and other pollutants.
Dioxin was the ingredient in Agent Orange, used to defoliate Vietnam.
For dioxin emissions, however, they must implement EU standards.
The iron ore sintering process is one of dioxin pollution sources.
Adsorption of stack gas odor and sulphihide, removing of mercury steam, reducing the generation of dioxin.
烟道气的臭气吸附、硫化物吸附, 汞蒸气的去除, 降低戴奥辛的生成.
Dioxin threatens human health, and many countries in the world have taken active against Dioxin pollution.
二恶英严重威胁着人类的健康, 世界各国正在采取积极措施控制二恶英的污染.
The paper introduces the harm of Dioxin pollution , the produce mechanism and the prohibitive means.
因此,弄清二恶英的危害 、 焚烧中的产生、以及如何抑制产生,很有必要.
There's also dioxin, a byproduct of paper manufacture and waste incineration.
还有二恶英, 纸生产和废物燃烧的副产物.
The study shows that higher dioxin exposure is associated with decreased testosterone levels, Dr. Gupta said.
Resultsthat good and, is crucial for keeping the formation of dioxin under control.
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