- 双语例句
Captain, make sure that the band plays a dirge.
上尉, 一定让乐队为他们演奏一首表达我们哀思的挽歌.
But the old who seems to have in my ear, like a dirge soft, lingering.
但好像有谁来老在我耳边轻吟, 似一首轻轻的哀乐, 挥之不去.
It was to be a funeral dirge, a farewell song to a dead friendship.
这将是一首葬礼挽歌, 一首为夫去的友谊谱写的告别曲.
His songs are full of dirge.
Radiohead is singing a dirge to the record industry.
The stranger, after listening for a moment, joined in the mournful dirge.
Time passes like a dirge, white dye alone across the face of the ear.
岁月如挽歌般逝去, 划过脸庞独独染白那耳畔的青丝.
She threw down her basket and intoned a peasant dirge.
That the Song of life is a dirge.
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