- 双语例句
That such a wacky idea should be so persistent is, to put it mildly, disquieting.
这一如此古怪荒唐的想法得到持续不断的关注, 委婉的说, 这是令人有所忧虑的.
He heard from the kitchen the steady drip of the refrigerator, a rhythm demanding and disquieting.
他听到厨房冰箱有节奏的滴水声, 持续不断,叫人心烦.
To flaunt that with such a lack of sensitivity to professional decorum is very disquieting.
Then came the disquieting blue stare , and the surprisingly loud , ringing voice.
接着要遭受他令人如坐针毡的忧郁目光的洗礼, 然后再聆听他声如洪钟 、 人咤舌的大嗓门.
Most perplexing and disquieting are the reports of mobilisation of Russian, Austrian and German troops.
最使人困惑不安的莫过于俄 、 奥、德三国军队的调动.
The most disquieting thing about the scofflaw spirit is its extreme infectiousness.
The news is disquieting in the extreme.
Therefore my disquieting thoughts make me respond, Even because of my inward agitation.
伯20:2我心中急躁 、 以我的思念叫我回答.
It is the breach of an agreement, and I find that especially disquieting.
这是破坏协议, 我认为特别令人不安.
In more established markets, the Japanese challenge has been disquieting.
在更成熟的市场中, 来自日本的挑战一直令人不安.
The news from the African front was disquieting in the extreme.
He found her letter disquieting.
In a disquieting way everything seemed mixed.
That locality was always vaguely disquieting, even in the broad glare of afternoon.
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