- 双语例句
Did you do it yourself?
这是你自己做的 吗 ?
We truly believe ourselves to be natural - born mechanics and do - it - yourself - ers.
If you would have a thing well done, you must do it yourself.
如果要将事情做好, 就得亲自动手.
No one can force you to look at your test results, unless you do it yourself.
没有人会逼你看测试的结果, 除非你自己做测试.
" It's a competition for amateurs only. You'll have to do it yourself.
“ 这是业余竞赛, 你得自己干.
It is best to do it yourself.
Not both. If you know best how to do it, just do it yourself.
但是假如你要指挥着我们完成, 你最好还是自己动手.
I just love your hair that way. Did you do it yourself?
我真喜欢你的头发样式. 是你自己做的 吗 ?
If you want a thing well do, do it yourself.
要妥善, 自己干.
Do it yourself; don't lean on others for support.
自己做, 不要依赖别人的支持.
She's very keen on do it yourself.
If you want a thing done well, do it yourself.
假如想把一件事做好, 就亲自去做.
Do - it - yourself remedies can help whiten teeth and avoiding substances that stained teeth can stop further discoloration.
Have not you better do it yourself?
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