- 双语例句
All districts are encouraged to donate some amount to support this global Rotary effort.
Many people offered to donate blood and skin for the badly burnt worker.
We are happy to donate to bona fide charitable causes.
Donate some coffins to the temple, equal to the number of deaths.
到寺庙里, 捐赠棺材盒给这些死者吧.
Step three: When you're ready, sell, donate, or throw away the stuff in storage.
第三步: 当你真正准备好, 卖掉, 捐赠, 或者丢掉那些东西.
Will all the money I donate through Red Cross go to survivals in China?
What would you say to donate some money to the church?
Sha Sha you might use the same way to donate.
We want to donate money to a good cause.
Donate more access to more applause at the most, but as a hero.
捐钱再多顶多获得多一些喝彩, 但成不了英雄.
They used to donate large sum of money to the Red Cross every year.
The government calls on the youth to donate their blood voluntarily.
Besides, Otique, middle level champion of the International Boxers Federation also said he would donate 45000 Euros.
另外, 国际拳击联合会超中量级冠军奥特克也表示将拿出4500欧元.
I sometimes donate money to WWF because I love animals.
Besides doing our own job well, we can donate money to them.
除了把自己的工作做好以为, 我们可以捐钱给他们.
Will the rice I donate make a difference?
我捐的大米管用 吗 ?
To the best of my knowledge he can donate one hundred dollars at best.
Are you willing to donate your organs after you are dead?
在你死后,你原意捐出你的器官 吗 ?
More than 100 fighters hurried to the scene to donate their blood.
As the patient's life hung in the balance, many comrades offered to donate blood.
病人安危未定, 许多同志自愿给他输血.
Is nerve fibroma ill but in order to donate blood?
Despite feeling bloated and missing a few days work, Annie says she'll probably donate once more.
尽管卵子捐献使安妮变得浮肿,还要耽误几天的工作, 安妮却表示,她可能还会再捐献.
Why are people joyful when they go to temples donate money?
为什么去寺庙捐钱人们会快乐 呢 ?
Would you like to donate to the yearbook tribute for the kids on the bus?
你愿意为车祸中孩子捐款出一本致敬年鉴 么 ?
The invention discloses a hemoglobin determining method for donate blood, including plastic shell and paper tape.
本发明公开了一种无偿献血血红蛋白测定仪, 它包括塑料外壳和试纸条组成.
I agree to donate the deposit of HK $ 100 to The Community Chest.
Pictures of starving children have sent many people scurrying to donate money.
Members donate voluntarily, no amount limitation.
会员捐款以自愿为原则, 金额不限.
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