- 双语例句
Valoux gives a rich mellowness, an astringent but delicate taste and an earthy aftertaste.
酒香芬芳浓郁, 口感紧涩却有着细腻高雅的质感,酒中飘逸着泥土的芬芳气息.
Briary: Describes young wines with an earthy or stemmy wild berry character.
似石南的: 形容年轻的葡萄酒带有的泥土味或带茎的野生浆果特征.
White chunky Alaska king crab meat baked in a buttery and earthy mushroom sauce.
A dank, earthy smell filled his nostrils.
潮湿, 土腥味填充了他的鼻孔.
Peter has an earthy sense of humour; he likes rude jokes.
彼得有一种粗俗的幽默感, 他喜欢讲粗俗的笑话.
Earthy tone colors for apparel and gear continue to gain in popularity compared to bright colors.
A long and intimate acquaintance with trousers has made him far more democratic and earthy.
Full bodied with a concentrated fruit core wrapped by lush , sleek tannins and an earthy minerality.
酒体饱满,果味浓厚,单宁圆滑而味美, 伴有泥土和矿物质的芳香.
I'm not just talking about grid systems and earthy screen designs.
In recent years earthy chicken market is 2 times of the fryer commonly.
She is a very physical young woman, earthy, and very intense.
Does cure heat up catch a cold to earthy idea there is?
An earthy , uncouth, servile peasant creature old Katy was.
老凯蒂真是个土里土气 、 恭顺的农民.
I'm attracted to warm, earthy colours.
It had an earthy smell.
an earthy sense of humour
He often uses earthy gun experienced fire at work space, learn skill in wushu.
他常于劳动间隙用土枪练射击, 学武艺.
Earthy: Describes wines with aromas or flavors of soil or earth.
土味的: 形容葡萄酒带有土壤或泥土的芳香和滋味.
They're fat and they're earthy.
Their earthy sensibilities are best suited to jobs that involve material goods.
Among them earthy and sanded area and evenness of area area terrain, appropriate, communication is easy.
其中沙区和壤区地势平坦 、 土质适宜 、 交通便利.发展果树产业具有得天独厚的优势.
His head was large and ugly; he had pale scanty hair and an earthy skin.
他的脑袋大而丑, 头发灰白稀疏,土色的皮肤.
This city relief is even, earthy layer is deep, pluvial heat as season, illumination is enough.
本市地势平坦, 土层深厚, 雨热同季, 光照充足.
What treats the earthy way of the cold quickly?
Plumy aromas and a dash of sweet, earthy, raspberry fruit and spicy vanillin on the nose.
梅子的香甜气味, 混合着泥土 、 覆盆子的果香与带有香草味的辛香.
Everything there is earthy so the travel folder claims that this resort an earthly paradise.
The air is full of an earthy smell after the rain.
There was something vital and earthy and coarse about him that appealed to her.
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