- 双语例句
As a tomb guard, he had sworn to protect all elves burials.
作为一名守墓者, 他用剑保护所有的精灵墓地.
Cenarius: Who dares defile this ancient land? Who dares the wrath of Cenarius and elves?
塞纳留斯: 是谁胆敢玷污这片陈旧的土地? 是谁胆敢触怒塞纳留斯和暗夜精灵?
The blood elves in Azshara have developed a method for pulverizing the magical items they acquire.
Archellomonde: Hear me, night elves! The time for reckoning has come!
阿克蒙德: 听着, 暗夜精灵! 清算的时间已到了!
The elves speak of a moon goddess, did you know?
这些精灵说有一个月神存在, 你知道 吧 ?
The Elves and the Alliance came to drive us out.
I also always believed that Santa was helped by a team of hardworking elves.
The elves let out a burst of excitement and hugged each other tightly.
You think Santa makes them his little elves?
你以为是圣诞老人把他们变成他的小精灵 吗 ?
No elves, sir, but traces of demons.
没有发现精灵, 男爵, 不过倒是有恶魔的行踪.
Much like the elves, they have long memories for both gifts and grudges.
和精灵一样, 他们对别人的恩惠和过错都能记住很久.
Two elves at the front of the sleigh blew a trumpet fanfare.
The power of the before mentioned elves is magical and justifies the reason for their numbers.
The naga and blood elves recaptured Illidan and freed him.
The shoemaker wanted to thank elves. He made some little clothes to them.
制鞋工人想要感谢那些小精灵. 他对他们做一点衣服.
Elves share a passionate and emotional nature with many of their fey cousins.
The elves and their Alliance came to drive us out.
The elves likely wait in ambush.
They outnumber the high elves and can outmaneuver most enemies.
You know how all elves are forced to sing and dance?
The Wise of Tol Eressea thus speculate that Orcs are bred from ancient Elves.
It is deeply sacred to the Elves, so they've allocated additional forces to protect it.
它对于精灵而言尤为神圣, 因此他们加派了额外的兵力保卫它.
The elves must not be taken lightly.
The Elves in general were very wise, possessing a great deal of experience.
精灵通常都是有智慧的, 因为他们阅历丰富.
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