- 双语例句
We offer this information to enact positive change, rather than as blatant criticism.
我们提供这些信息是为了帮你做出正面的改变, 而不是指责.
So, it is essential to enact a sound the raising funds of rural endowment insurance law.
因此, 制定完善的农村社会养老保险基金筹集法律制度是至关重要的.
We also need to enact many laws governing economic development, such as those pertaining to factories.
经济方面的很多法律, 比如工厂法等等,也要制定.
They're trying to enact a " nationality " bill.
他们正试图通过一项 “ 国籍 ” 法案.
To enact, amend or repeal laws, examine and approve budgets, approve taxation and public expenditure etc.
制定 、 修改和废除法律, 审核、通过财政预算, 批准税收和公共开支等.
Fourthly, to carry out the system of equal payequal work and enact special allowance policy.
第四, 实行同工同酬,出台特殊津贴政策.
To enact norms for affairs and administration rules for affairs activities of the Commission institutions.
To enact related and rules for the Ministry and organize their implementation.
To enact ( a law or regulation ).
制定制订颁布 ( 法律或规章 )
To enact ( a feat or role ) before an audience.
表演在观众面前表演 ( 一项技艺或角色 )
The President's decision barred the door to any attempt to enact a new tax law.
The authorities have failed so far to enact a law allowing unrestricted emigration.
The first task of a new Saudi king should be to enact a proper criminal code.
The king could not enact laws without the sanction of Parliament.
You also enact a part in life.
I appeal the nation to take effective measures, enact laws to protect tigers and punish hunters.
我呼吁国家采取措施, 制定法律,保护老虎,惩罚捕猎者.
He would like to enact a comprehensive immigration reform.
Article 4 The CIRC may enact regulations to authorize local offices to implement administrative licensing.
States are free to enact stricter regulations.
Why did he enact such a ban?
Americans are called to enact this promise in our lives and in our laws.
But he had to pay the private pipers to enact it.
Some states, however, are having difficulty deciding how and when to enact it.
不过, 有一些州在决定何时和如何执行上还有困难.
In order to achieve the foregoing purposes, the government shall enact relevant laws.
政府为达成前项之目的, 应制定相关法律.
The accounting profession has lobbied recently to enact LLC laws in more states.
The U.S. Congress has exclusive authority to enact federal legislation.
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