- 双语例句
Enthuse . Show enthusiasm openly! Rotary should be fun.
热心. 公开展现热心? 扶轮应该是很有趣的.
I've repeatedly tried to enthuse him about commercial possibilities, but he scoffs and sends me chases.
我多次努力唤起他对商业可能性的热情, 但他总是像轰鸭子一样嘲笑我、打发我.
" Of course, you'll do,'said Drouet, who, in his efforts to enthuse Carrie, had interested himself.
“ 当然, 你一定行的, "杜洛埃说.他给嘉莉鼓劲时, 自己的兴趣也上来了.
英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
He did not enthuse over the purchases.
英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
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