- 双语例句
A new year looks sure entrench old resentments.
SIA and Singapore need to entrench themselves in the new Asia , where China calls the shots.
新航和新加坡都需要在新亚洲延伸自己的触角, 而中国正在成为新亚洲的领袖.
It would entrench the position of incumbent institutions that are already too large and too diverse.
Now China needs a leader who understandings that only freedom can entrench prosperity.
They entrench themselves behind undeniable facts.
To hold on stubbornly, as to a position; entrench oneself.
固执地坚持立场; 稳固自己的地位.
Will the economic crisis force change, or entrench privilege?
经济危机会推动改变, 还是保护特权?
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