- 双语例句
Many factors are important, for example class, gender, age and ethnicity.
And some Roma criminals appeal to shared ethnicity.
In Tianjin, only those with Hui ethnicity can choose burial rather cremation.
在天津市, 只有回族可以选择土葬,其他人必须被火化.
Fuchs, Lawrence . The American Kaleidescope: Race, Ethnicity, and the Civic Culture . 1990.
《美国万花筒: 种族 、 族群和公民文化》1990.
And it is defined by Pushtunwali: there is no Pushtun nation or, in fact, ethnicity.
根据“ 普什图瓦里 ”的定义, 实际上不存在普什图民族(nation) 或种族(ethnicity).
The country, divided by region, sect and ethnicity, has always been a work in progress.
这个根据地区 、 宗派、种族的不同而划分的国家一直都在不断进步.
The cutoff mark can vary by an applicant's place of residence and ethnicity.
It won't matter whether you were beautiful or brilliant. Your gender, skin color, ethnicity will be irrelevant.
你是美貌如花还是才华横溢也不重要了. 你的性别 、 肤色 、 种族都无关紧要了.
We are very close to Tibetans in of language, religion, culture, history, ethnicity, civilization and geography.
我们与西藏人在语言, 宗教, 文化, 历史, 民族, 文明和地理非常接近.
The project is based on poverty, rather than ethnicity.
这个项目是基于贫困的, 而不是针对种族歧视.
They did not give a specific date, or identify the ethnicity of the suspects.
Sanchez, George . Becoming Mexican American: Ethnicity, Culture, and Identity in Chicano Los Angeles . 1993.
《成为墨裔美国人: 族群 、 文化和洛杉矶墨裔的认同》1993.
Most obviously, he says ,'t make about people's ethnicity, physical appearance, sexual preference or faith.
最显著的是, 不要评论他人的种族 、 长相 、 性取向或宗教信仰.
Religious beliefs, ethnicity, social class and individual taste all affect how American families celebrate Christmas.
宗教信仰 、 道德 、 社会阶层与个人趣味都影响着美国各个家庭怎样过圣诞节.
There is probably a scholarship program for your particular major, ethnicity group, or background.
很可能会有为你的特殊专业, 种族或者背景所提供的奖学金.
Your creative text should be an autobiographical narrative that describes your emergence into an ethnicity.
Ethnicity runs deep in this country and across the oceans of our diaspora.
Your gender, skin color, ethnicity will be irrelevant.
你的性别 、 肤色 、 种族地位也将消失.
A Lin comes from the Bai ethnicity in China.
PARTICIPANTS: Persons of Malay ethnicity, between 40 and 80 years of age, living in Singapore.
参与者: 生活在新加坡的马来族人, 年龄在40~80岁.
With age, ethnicity, class status, living habits, age, personal accomplishment and emotional changes.
随着时代 、 民族 、 阶级地位 、 生活习惯 、 年龄 、 个人修养和情绪的变化而变化.
Ethnicity has a strong influence on community status relations.
When they looked at specific groups stratified according to age or ethnicity, the results were similar.
He said his ethnicity had not been important to him.
Patriarchy is a seminal concept in feminist studies and has different implications and ethnicity.
Stroke prevalence also differs by race and ethnicity, age group and educational level, the researchers said.
研究者说:由种族和民族, 年龄组和教育程度的差异, 中风发病率也是不同的.
Race, ethnicity, and nationality must be acknowledged as pervasive and potent.
我们必须承认, 种族、民族 、 国籍是普遍存在的,并且有着强大的影响力.
Literature, Religion, Gender and Ethnicity: England, Middle East and China in the Middle Ages.
文学 、 教 、 别和民族:中古时代的英国 、 东、国》台北: 联经.
Many people of Korean ethnicity gather and live together near our northeastern border.
The English language is full of other apparently contradictory tendencies for words relating to ethnicity.
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