- 双语例句
Sagittarius is Fire energy . This is avery active, extroverted sign.
弓手座是火相星座. 弓手非常主动 、 外向.
Sagittarius is Fire energy . This is aery active, extroverted sign.
射手座是火相星座. 射手非常主动 、 外向.
Test researchers have found that about 75 % of the population is extroverted.
ESFP ( Extroverted sensing with feeling ): Very generous and impulsive, they have a low tolerance for anxiety.
ESFP ( 外向敏感带感性 ): 非常慷慨且冲动, 他们对于焦?很难忍受.
Portfolio of Documentary Collection get rapid improvement along with further expand in national extroverted economy.
Extroverted notes of Mediterranean verbena mingle with a rosy base of geranium and lemon tree.
Libra represents the Air element . It is a sign that is more extroverted and active.
天秤座是风相星座. 其特性比较外向和主动.
She explained most students from rich families are extroverted and active in making friends andin activities.
FIRE DRAGON: The Fire Dragon is the most extroverted and competitive Dragon.
火龙: 火龙是最外向和最竞争的龙.
ENFJ ( Extroverted feeling with intuiting ): These people are easy speakers.
ENFJ ( 外向感性带直觉 ): 这些人是天生的演说家.
Sagittarius is Fire active, extroverted sign.
射手座是火相星座.射手至极自动 、 内向.
Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?
Sagittarius is Fire energy . Thellos is a very active, extroverted sign.
弓手座是火相星座. 弓手很是主动 、 外向.
Pingala is the extroverted, solar nadi, and corresponds to the left hand side of the brain.
Pingala是外向性的 、 太阳nadi, 而对应脑的左手侧.
The National Grand Theatre also has this extroverted characteristic of modern architecture.
Extroverted, I think. I mix well and enjoy doing things with others.
我认为我是外向的人. 我善于交际并且喜欢和别人共事.
Are you introverted or extroverted?
ESFJ ( Extroverted feeling with sensing ): These people like harmony.
ESFJ ( 外向感性带敏感 ): 这些人喜欢和谐.
Libra represents the Air element. It is a sign that is extroverted and active.
天秤座是风象星座, 这意味着其性格比较外向和主动.
Sagittarius is Fire energy . This is a very active, extroverted sign.
射手座:射手座是火相星座. 射手非常主动 、 外向.
Libra represents the Bir element . It is a sign that is more extroverted and active.
天秤座是风相星座. 其特比力外向以及主动.
Extroverted character and good at communication ability.
While traditional buildings are introverted in style, modern ones are extroverted.
传统建筑比较内向, 而现代建筑却比较外向.
Both are extroverted, social, and stubborn.
两者都是外向, 社会和顽固性.
ENTP ( Extroverted intuiting with thinking ): These are lively people, not humdrum or orderly.
外向,凭洞察力思考 ): 这是活泼的一群, 而非单调、固守传统的.
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