- 双语例句
Animals produce methane, which is another dangerous greenhouse gas, when they burp and fart.
Cow answers: A moment ago came a flock of prefectural class cadres, boast only fart.
母牛答: 刚才来了一群县级干部, 专吹牛屁.
The child fart with 4 big months is very smelly, defecate abnormal also, how to do?
4个月大的孩子放屁很臭, 大便也不正常, 怎么办?
Females fart just as much as males, though on the whole less extravagantly.
You say: Every think me you put a fart, such ozonosphere formation.
你说: 每想我一次你就放一个屁, 臭氧层就是这样形成的.
Is person fart to block nose up to still block ear up first first?
Ride a car to put a fart, pretending also is slow go flat.
骑个车子放个屁, 假装也是慢撒气.
You wanna wait'til he bends over and make a fart sound?
But also besides put a few fart besides, whats were pulled.
可是也除了放几个屁之外, 什么也没有拉出来.
Before long, each organs the body experienced the harm that fart eye strike.
不久, 身体的各个器官都感受到了屁眼罢工的危害.
Felian : This theory which is a fart like a theory which is due to an apple.
When will the lousy old fart die? Will he live until the next century?
泰勒这老鬼到底什么时候死他想活到下个世纪去 啊 ?-----《大腕》.
I really thought it was a brain fart.
Most other mammals fart too, and — a worrying thought perhaps — elephants do it the most.
I not pant, I am no chat, so I brick say no chat fart.
我不是酷, 我是无聊, 所以我专说无聊的屁.
Modern jet packs just use tanks of compressed gas that basically fart you into the air.
You guys always fart around.
I'm tired of being fired everytime I fart and cough.
Hypocritical : looks like having it, however pass nothing, even a fart.
虚伪: 好像是在大便, 实际上连屁也没放一个.
In space, no one can hear you fart.
在宇宙中, 没人会听见你放屁!
Dog sense , do you think my fart is also a chemical weapon?
小狗:拜托, 我放个狗屁你们也认为是生化武器 吗 ?(沈文礼)
His fart ( n . ) smells like flower. Its smell so great, everybody likes it.
他的屁闻起来象鲜花. 气味棒级了, 所有人都喜欢.
Other people's thing not my fart business, not my horse I do not give a fuck.
别人的事关我屁事, 又不是我马子我管他勒.
What a brain fart! Mary believes in you, well, you will face the music.
多么糟糕的点子! 玛丽如此相信你.好吧, 你终将受到惩罚.
[ Scoffs ] Why should a young girl like that love an old fart like me?
Dog : Have some sense, do you think my fart is also a chemical weapon?
小狗: 拜托,有点常识好不好?我放个狗屁你们也认为是生化武器 吗 ?
Doctor, you look well to me, I always cannot control fart.
大夫, 您给我好好看看, 我总是控制不了放屁.
Little ? Johnny from the back of the class stands up and asks: " Does a fart have lumps? "
小约翰从班里最后一排站起来发问道: 屁是一堆一堆的 么 ?
Some soldiers fart very easily and comfortably in the camp.
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