- 双语例句
Fish glacial delicacy basically is hairtail, breed yellow croaker, pomfret, flatfish, mullet, Spanish mackerel to wait.
冰鲜鱼主要为带鱼 、 养殖黄鱼 、 鲳鱼 、 比目鱼 、 梭鱼 、 马鲛鱼等.
A dextral flatfish lies with the right eye uppermost.
Like all modern flatfish , the yellowtail flounder has both eyes on one side of its head.
如同所有现代的比目鱼一样, 美洲黄盖鲽的两只眼睛位于头部的同一侧.
High big big horn comes home of the flatfish that stew.
European flatfish highly valued as food.
European flatfish, Scophthalmus maximus, that has a brown, knobby upper side and is prized as food.
一种欧洲比目鱼,大菱鲆身体上部棕色, 散布着许多小瘤, 是极受重视的食用鱼.
An edible flatfish ( Bothas rhombus ) of European waters.
菱鲆欧洲水域产的一种可食用的扁鱼 ( 菱鲆鲆属 )
A large edible marine flatfish ( Pleuronectes platessa ) of western European waters.
欧鲽一种生长在西欧水域中的可食的海生大比目鱼 ( 鲽鲽科 )
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