- 双语例句
This text discussed the quality control choiceness speciality and development of deepfreeze foodstuff.
It is indispensable industrial materials for Aerospace, aviation, automotive, dyeing, electronics, mining, medicine and foodstuff processing.
是航空 、 天 、 车 、 刷印染 、 子 、 矿 、 药、食食品加工,化工工业不可或缺的工业材料.
Nobody is altogether pleased by bland foodstuff.
This dryer is used to dry granular materials in pharmaceutical, chemical, foodstuff, and other industries.
本机用于制药 、 化工 、 食品等行业颗粒状物料干燥.
Something, especially foodstuff, subject to decay or spoilage.
某些东西, 尤指食物是易腐败的.
Establishing qualification: Wenan is agricultural town , which has 100 thousand units of area for growing foodstuff.
建设条件: 文安县是农业大县, 拥有10万亩绿色食品小杂粮生产基地.
These products are wildly used in foodstuff, aquatic products, toy, cosmetic, electronic, medicine, metals.
这些产品都是疯狂用在食品, 水产品, 玩具, 化妆品, 电子, 医药, 金属.
Use: Use for transporting foodstuff ( rice, shell, flour ), wood bits, carbon, smallre and ventilating.
用途: 用于输送粮食 ( 米 、 壳 、 面 ) 、 木屑、黄砂 、 焦碳 、 碎矿石及通风.
Our company has a long history to produce and export foodstuff.
Foodstuff, beverage and wine etc.
食品 、 饮料、酒类.
At present, with the development of pharmaceutical and foodstuff, rotatory sterilizer is needed more and more.
目前, 随着制药、食品等行业的发展, 越来越需要旋转式灭菌设备.
The principle of corrosion and the measure in foodstuff machinery are stated in this article.
It is suitable for packing of granule, troche, capsule, liquid, daily things and foodstuff.
主要用于颗粒 、 片剂 、 胶囊 、 野兔 、 日常用品、食品等不同形态的物料包装.
A delicious drink, a complete food, a New Year's tribute of our foodstuff factory.
鲜美饮料, 全能营养,本食品厂新年新奉献.
A semifluid, binding foodstuff composition which can be used as an aid in making sauces.
一种半流质 、 拌和食品组合物,能够用来作为制作沙司的辅剂.
Dandun Foodstuff a good reputation from all the consumers.
Use: This equipment is suitable for infiltration in pharmaceutical, foodstuff and chemical industry etc.
用途: 本设备适用于制药 、 食品、化工等行业的渗漉工艺.
Rice is our essential foodstuff in life.
And they have the right to play the advertisement for its obedience of the foodstuff law.
The products are widely applied in foodstuff, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, animal remedy and packing industries.
食品 、 化工 、 制药 、 兽药及包装等行业.
So , this article summarizes transgenic plant's environment safety, foodstuff safety and present management condition.
The production of foodstuff increased by 50 percent.
In addition, women also took part in collecting botanic foodstuff, selling wine and tea, etc.
此外, 还从事植物的采集活动,并参与酤酒 、 卖茶等市场活动.
The problem of foodstuff sanitation & safety is the commonly existed problem worldwide.
Monitoring and warning on foodstuff security and health.
In some undeveloped areas, famine fell out for the lack of commerce on foodstuff.
在未开发的地区, 因为粮食交易的缺乏而出现饥饿的问题.
Otherwise, we deal with mechanical equipments , building materials, foodstuff additives and other productions.
另外, 公司在机械, 建材, 食品添加剂等方面亦有涉足.
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