- 双语例句
The two housebreakers in his cartoon are ready to forego precious stones for precious fuel.
Many top managers have expressed the a willingness to trim their salaries and forego forgo bonuses.
Neither women nor men have to forego satisfying sexual relationships because of advancing age.
On the other hand, few devotees of wine were willing to forego their beverage.
另一方面, 没有几个葡萄酒爱好者愿意放弃自己的饮料.
A age ago I have to go lacking the forego favorite flavor.
Or else he would forego his mortal nature.
Inflation expectations are implied by the extra return investors demand to forego against future price increases.
Keen skiers are happy to forego a summer holiday to go skiing.
I forego the cod tongues: just thinking about how they extract them makes me slightly queasy.
我没有吃鳕鱼舌: 一想到人们怎么从鳕鱼嘴里取出舌头,我就想吐.
Today forego a grudge. Forgive those who hurt you.
在今天,忘记心里的怨恨, 原谅那些伤害你的人.
This was a delight he could not forego.
Well , why didn't you tell me this before we decided forego R & amp; D.
为什么不在我们决定超过R & amp; D公司之前告诉我这件事.
Mickey agreed to forego his holiday for the new project.
Here, three Santas forego their sleighs in favor of an underground commute.
在这里, 三个圣诞老人放弃他们的雪橇有利于地下通勤.
Mickey agreed to forego his holiday.
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