- 双语例句
The skin of the fuselage, stabilizers, and engine cowling was severely buckled.
机身, 平衡舵以及发动机舱盖的外壳都被扭曲得很厉害.
The fuselage split in two close to the cockpit, and the tail broke off.
飞机的机身从驾驶舱附近断成两节, 尾部也断开.
A domelike gunner's enclosure projecting from the fuselage of a combat aircraft.
飞机''.'炮'.''''.'塔'. ''战斗机上圆顶形的封闭式结构,炮手的位置,从飞机机身上突出.
The length of the fuselage was increased due to a degree of directional instability.
Bullets from our wing gun ripped into the fuselage of the enemy planes.
However, the ARFF vehicle did not reach the fuselage until 34 minutes.
然而, 飞机救援消防车辆直到34分钟后才到达机身残骸处.
The motor mounts have been fabricated and installed in the lower fuselage.
The be thin fuselage coordinates the ultra big touch screen, elegant a doubt.
超薄机身配合超大触摸屏幕, 雍容华贵毋庸置疑.
Fuselage of airplane can too the customer need to be adopted four pillar type construction.
Except positive fuselage noble elegant, is also in back's processing the flavor.
除去正面机身的高贵典雅, 在背部的处理上也是别有一番风味.
On the back of fuselage with a small frame, for users to watch television programs facilitated.
机身背面配有一个小支架, 为用户进行观看电视节目提供了便利.
The fuselage cracked in half, the lights went out and the right engine caught fire.
机身断成了两半, 灯全部熄灭,右引擎着了火.
Should Drill hole on the fuselage reinforcing plate.
The tufts along the fuselage and wings perform a similar function.
Please insert the main supporting steels into the fuselage and tighten the screws.
The aircraft took off with a gaping hole in its fuselage.
The fuselage design also a good comparison, the relative price of Samsung is licensed for cheap.
机身的外观设计也比较不错, 现在的售价相对三星行货来说算是便宜的.
Color: The adoption pale blue of the fuselage surface color sprays Su.
颜色: 机身外貌接纳天蓝色喷塑.
Some oscillation of the fuselage had been noticed on early flights.
The simple straight match shape metal fuselage, so that even on a layer of texture.
简约的直板造型配搭金属外壳机身, 让质感更上一层.
The extra wing tanks allow removal of the fuselage tank, for a larger baggage compartment.
额外的右翼坦克允许取消机身油箱, 一个较大的行李舱.
The wing section is connected to fuselage with titanium fasteners.
Finally at 0526, a hand line from one ARFF 3000 gallon vehicle in use on the fuselage.
最后在5:26, 一辆3000加仑的飞机救援消防车辆采用手持水管来扑救飞机机身.
Fuselage of. Staining steel is couformed to health standard.
Most of aircraft consists of five main components: wings, fuselage, tail, landing gear and power plant.
大多数飞机由五个主要部分组成: 机翼 、 机身 、 尾翼 、 起落装置和动力装置.
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