- 双语例句
Cognate in common use is considered phonetic loan characters, which include substitute of homophone.
同音代替是假借的一种形式,也是“依声托事”;本字不等于初文, 更不是后起字.
It is an introductory to the rhyme , the pronunciation and homophone in Ziyang Town.
本文介绍陕西省南部紫阳县城关方言的声韵调 、 语音特点和同音字汇.
There are close relations among Chinese language taboo, admiration and homophone.
汉语语言的忌讳 、 崇拜和谐音的关系密切.
In the process of studying English, it is likely to confuse homograph, homonym, and homophone.
在英语学习过程中, 对同形异义词、同音同形异义词 、 同音异形异义词的运用很容易造成混淆.
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