- 双语例句
As a clergyman's son he'd imbibed a set of mystical beliefs from the cradle.
Bag of Tricks: Wield 11 mystical weapons including swords, crossbows and magical artifacts.
武器: 11种神秘武器包括剑 、 弩、神奇的文物.
The beautiful Yi lake , has increased a mystical color for this north campus.
美丽的宜海, 给这北方的校园增添了一份神秘的色彩.
He had been unwittingly deluded by their mystical nonsense.
PLAYER. Mystical. Approval. Fortune smiles. Confidence.
你是神秘, 我对你赞同,命运向你微笑, 我对你有信心.
You could become pompous or mystical when you are in over your head.
But in the great religions, the moral and the mystical have often been in tension.
但在最伟大的宗教当中, 道德同宗教的神秘性经常是相冲突的.
Church dark light, giving a solemn and mystical religious atmosphere and a sense of pressure.
教堂内光线幽暗, 给人一种神秘宗教气氛和肃穆感及压迫感.
Sufism is mystical and follows the central current of the Revelation of Islam.
Every week a Mystical Pond produces nice little presents for the townsfolk.
INTRODUCTION: This is a totemic masterpiece with mystical concept.
作品简介: 这是一件含有神秘概念的图腾作品.
My army present informationization degree very high army army opened the mystical veil.
In their literature class, they discussed the mystical and the supernatural.
在文学课上, 他们讨论了神秘主义和超自然主义思想.
Mystical prophecy is myth; scientific prophecy is fact.
神奇的预言是神话, 科学的预言是事实.
It has been hown the knowledge and the expansion of the mystical orders were not linear.
The most beautiful and most profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical.
This time, New York appears a mystical person, whether this related with Raphael?
此时, 纽约市的夜晚出现了一个神秘的“夜行侠”, 这是否和拉斐尔有关?
There is indeed the inexpressible. This shows itself; it is the mystical.
522实际上存在着不可表达的东西; 这显示了它的存在; 它是神秘的.
They are natural comedians with just the right mix of mystical, sensitive, inspirational and impractical humor.
他们是天生的喜剧演员,能将包含神秘 、 敏感和梦幻等各类情感完美地演绎.
They have wisdom and sometimes mystical power.
That was clearly a deep mystical experience.
Santa Clausreally is both kind and is mystical in the children heart.
His fondness for deepening his themes with a mystical dimension is expressed in other ways, too.
他热衷于以神秘主义来深化的他的作品主题, 这一点也以其它的方式表示出来.
His lack of mystical approaches is what best defines him and his work.
One man's mystical haven for wealth is another's unproductive barbarous relic.
Semicircle switch, when starting also will pass the blue color the ray, both artistic and mystical.
半圆形的开关, 在开机时还会透出蓝色的光芒, 既美观又神秘.
Curved at the point and inscribed with its mystical Arabic sentence.
Much mystical poetry, though written by authors with Muslim names, uses Hindu imagery and Hindu terminology.
很多神秘的作诗法, 尽管作者是以穆斯林的名字来写, 可是使用印度教的比喻和印度教的术语.
One, who called himself a lapsed Catholic and close encounter with a mystical being.
Arguments of this type point of departure from the psychology of religious and mystical experience.
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