- 双语例句
Divides one number ( numerator ) by another number ( denominator ).
用一个数 ( 分母 ) 去除另一个数 ( 分子 ).
To remove ( a common factor ) from the numerator and denominator of a fractional expression.
约分从一个分数表达式的分子和分母去掉 ( 一个公因子 )
The fractions selected for comParison must require pupils to consider both numerator and denominator.
You have to enter numerator and denominator.
Objective: Search after method to differentiate Tetrandra Root on the numerator level.
目的: 探索在分子水平上对独活药材进行鉴别的方法.
The numerator of the fraction is an integer.
One can show that the discriminant of the numerator is positive.
Yttrium oxide Numerator formula: Y 2 O 3 Description: white powder.
氧化钇化学式: Y2O3说明: 白色粉末.
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