- 双语例句
Traces the python, has ease of mind, guarantees you bon voyage.
摸摸巨蟒, 心情舒畅, 保您一路平安.
He opened up a cage and lifted out a 6ft python.
Making references to Monty Python skits in documentation is not only allowed, it is encouraged!
在文档中引用MontyPython典故不仅是允许的, 而且还受到鼓励!
Embroiders uses the and beautiful woolen embroidery exactly , sets up the python water curved.
绣活多采用俊雅清丽的绒绣, 弯立蟒水.
In the last several years, the popularity of ball pythons ( Python regius ) has skyrocketed.
在过去若干年里, 球 蟒 的普及如烟花般绚烂.
Or, you can type python zpasspwd. py inituser and follow the prompts.
或者你可以输入pythonzpasspwd. py初始化用户并且跟着提示做.
A giant python sure gave these folks a scare.
Jython is an open source implementation of Python combining with Java platform.
In Python, assignment is not an expression.
在python中, 赋值不是一个表达式.
A person, python, snake battle about to begin.
一场人 、 蟒 、 蛇的激战即将开始.
Custom Text supports Python code: The Custom Text Editor now supports Python code.
自定义字符支持Python代码: 自定义字符编辑器现在支持Python代码.
Highly portable SQL query engine based in Python with transactions, recovery and client server mode.
非常方便的基于事务处理的sql查询引擎, 恢复和客户服务模式.
In such cases, Python may be just the language for you.
遇到以上情况, Python可能 就是你要找的语言.
This reference manual describes the Python programming language. It is not intended as a tutorial.
The southern African python occurs in open savannah, riverine scrub and rocky areas.
辽阔的非洲稀树草原, 溪流边的灌木丛中,以及多岩石地带,都是南非蟒经常出没的地方.
In this paper, a simple butpracticable AOP utility will be designed and implemented with Python.
本文将尝试基于Python语言 环境, 利用其“动态语言”特性与的“面向对象模型”,设计实现一个轻量工具.
I don't know either Perl or Python. Which should I learn?
我即不懂Perl也不动Python.我应该学习 什么 ?
After a few episodes, a small but enthusiastic Python fan base started to develop.
播出了几集之后, 一个规模小但是很狂热的爱好者基础群体建立起来了.
Incidentally, knowledge about this subject is useful for any advanced Python programmer.
另外, 这一切的知识对于任何高级Python程序员都非常有用.
I know. I accidentally set a python on my cousin Dudley at the zoo once.
我知道了, 我是说,上次我曾无意中和我表哥达德利在动物园的时候放走了一条大蟒.
Question 2 : yeah, that sounds horrible to keep a python as pet. Right?
问题 2: 是的, 把蟒蛇当宠物养, 听起来很恐怖,是把?
Serpent blood spurted through the air, and in a minute, the huge python was dead.
蛇血在空中喷射出来, 很快, 大蟒蛇就死了.
Fortunately, Python offers enough power to make it pretty trivial to satisfy this requirement.
在那样情况下, 你的最初翻译的数据结构接近于你正在翻译的代码是更可取的.
Another idea is to require python owners to have their pets fitted with microchips.
Jython is not fully compatible with the standard Python language.
Jones I think we've all relaxed a bit about Python.
Jones:我想我们关于Python这个 话题都已经放得开了.
Programmers can compile the Python source code to java byte code, running it on JVM ( Java Virtual Machine ).
程序员可以把Python源代码编译成Java的字节码, 并在Java虚拟机上运行此代码.
A scope is a textual region of a Python program where a namespace is directly accessible.
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