- 双语例句
Do you have broadband access and a router or a system providing Internet sharing?
For example, ICMP will send a source quench message when traffic becomes congested at a router.
例如, 当某一路由器发生通信拥塞时,ICMP会发出一个源抑制信息.
Which command will configure a default route on a router?
The DTE, which is generally a router, is the DTE.
用户终端设备通常是一台路由器, 也就是资料终端设备.
Unlock the plunge lock lever. This will allow the router bit to disengage the work.
释放垂直调整锁定杆, 让刀头离开工件.
Once the adapter is properly provisioned, disconnect the WAN cable from your network router.
In this example the unicast frame from Router Y to Host X will a loop.
Block risky ports at the router level.
Subnet Mask: The subnet mask of the WAN router.
子网掩码: 本路由器对广域网的子网掩码.
In the traditional network market, the router and switch will still increase by 17 %.
在传统的网络设备方面, 路由器、换机仍将保持在17%左右的增长率.
The use of a crosspoint switching engine makes the design a true multigigabit router.
To filter traffic as it passes through a router.
Packets are forwarded based on Ethernet address, rather than IP address ( like a router ).
包基于以太网地址被转发而非基于IP地址 ( 如同路由器 ).
The product is mainly used in car potable DVD 、 ADSL 、 router 、 switch 、 video 、 mini electric appliance 、 display 、 mainboard of computer 、 digital production, ect.
Replace the hub with a router.
Enter your router connection information.
Introduce the theory and functions of Router, the development direction for Router technology and ucLinux.
主要介绍了路由器的工作原理和功能, 路由技术的发展趋势,Linux的 路由策略分析和ucLinux介绍.
Device that functions as both a router and bridge.
This system has been successfully operating in a side network router product.
Simple simulation of a router forwarding source code, which uses WFQ algorithm and token bucket mechanism!
简单模拟路由器转发的源代码, 其中采用了WFQ算法及令牌桶机制!
You are connected to your NETGEAR wireless router!
A router more intelligence capabilities than a bridge because it can handle several levels of addressing.
The router is computer network's bridge, is connects the IP network the core equipment.
路由器是计算机网络的桥梁, 是连接IP网络的核心设备.
Good knowledge of network equipments configuration and troubleshoot such as Router, Switch, Firewall, etc.
具有良好的网络设备配置和排错知识,如路由器, 交换机, 防火墙等.
In order for a router to route data, what must that router determine?
(路由器路由数据的顺序, 路由器必须描述什么? )
F . A Router is commonly considered a DCE device.
First, the computer sends about it's data request to a router.
首先, 用户计算机相路由器发出请求.
A: This is normal if you're behind a firewall or a router.
答: 当你处于防火墙和路由器之后时这很正常.
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