- 双语例句
They hate him that rebuketh in the gate, and they abhor him that speaketh uprightly.
10你们怨恨那在城门口责备人的, 憎恶那说正直话的.
Only after firmly and uprightly clamp the holing needle by using drilling collet holing be done.
Act uprightly and despise calumny. Dirt may stick to a mud wall , but not polish'd marble.
为人正直的就不惧诽谤: 污物可以沾到泥墙上, 却附不上光滑的大理石.
Act uprightly, and despise calumny. Dirt may stick to mud wall , but not polish'd marble.
为人正直的就不惧诽谤: 污物可以沾到泥墙上, 却不能附在磨光的大理石上.
Act uprightly and despise calumny. Dirt may stick to a mud wall, but not polished marble.
为人正直就不惧诽谤: 污物可以沾到泥墙上, 却附不到光滑的大理石上.
Rather, in every nation whoever fears him and acts uprightly is acceptable to him.
He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness and speaketh the truth in his heart.
2就是行为正直 、 做事公义、心里说实话的人.
Those who walk uprightly enter into peace ; they find rest as they lie in death.
Do ye indeed speak righteousness, O congregation ? do ye judge uprightly , O ye sons of men?
(大卫的金诗,交与伶长,调用休要毁坏)人哪, 你们默然不语,真合公义 吗 .施行审判,岂按正直 吗 .
Do you rulers indeed speak justly? Do you judge uprightly among men?
统治者啊,你们果真讲正义 吗 ?你们以公平审判人民 吗 ?
Do you indeed speak righteousness, O gods? Do you judge uprightly, O sons of men?
诗58:1〔卫的金诗 、 与伶长、用休要毁坏.〕人哪 、 们默然不语、合公义 麽.行审判、按正直 麽 .
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