- 双语例句
The Christmas season always made Bonnie yean for those halcyon days of her youth.
Manufacturing sales: Yean, ammonium bicarbonate.
制造销售: 液氨、碳酸氢铵.
Ling off ammonium bicarbonate, Yean, chemical raw materials.
灵产碳酸氢铵 、 液氨 、 化工原料.
This day, I'm always miss yean for the past and old friend.
这一天, 我总是想起过去,万分思念我的老朋友.
Production: monomer boron, Danhuapeng, boron anhydride, without detectable; Hydrochloric acid , Yean, ammonia water.
生产: 单体硼, 氮化硼, 硼酐, 无水硼砂; 盐酸,液氨, 氨水.
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