- 双语例句
Accessorize. Scarves or jewelry can change your entire look without taking up too much space.
零碎物品: 围巾或首饰会为你打造一个全新的形象,而带上它们又不会占太多地方.
We accessorize the product line by providing desiccants, humidity indicator cards and other packaging products.
我们的生产线提供干燥剂 、 湿度显示器卡片和其他的包装产品.
Use them as cell phone charms , key rings, or to accessorize your bag or pouch!
何不用作手机链 、 钥匙扣 、 坤包及钱包饰件呢!
This suit of clothes accessorize more easily than others.
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