- 双语例句
Aha! Here at last, the answer to my question.
Aha! So that's where I left it!
"Aha!" Dave nodded maddeningly.
My bank manager furrowed his brow, fingered his calculator and finally pronounced "Aha!"
Aha, so it's you hiding here.
啊哈, 是你藏在这儿.
Aha, you can't slip away this time.
哈哈, 这回你溜不掉了.
Aha , I've got [ guessed ] it.
哈哈, 我猜着了.
Aha, you've lost to me for once.
哈哈, 这回可输给我了.
Aha, so it's you hiding there.
啊哈, 原来是你躲在这儿!
Aha! So this is the boy you've been telling me about.
好 呀 !原来你跟我讲了半天的就是这个孩子.
Available in six sizes which ranges from infant to adult and comply with AHA standards.
Aha, so there you are!
啊哈, 原来你在这里.
Josh: Aha. I wish she was as popular. I could retire.
乔石: 啊哈, 我希望她也一样闻名遐迩, 那样我就可以退休啦.
We all consider you as our family member, even as our girls'prince . Aha!
Aha, the son of a bitch & a dog in heat!
啊哈, 一个狗杂种,一条发情的狗!
R : Aha , red , the skin is peeling, perhaps.
Let them be desolate for a reward of their shame that say unto me, Aha, aha.
愿那些对我说, 阿哈, 阿哈的,因羞愧而败亡.
Aha, It't a girl. It's Jack and his nickname online a girl's name.
啊哈! 那不是女孩, 那是杰克,他在网上的昵称是女孩的名字.
After taking a look on that the daughter college student aha is drunk inelegant behavior!
Ingredients: mild foam cleaning factor, vitamin E, AHA acid, salicylic acid, glycerol, acid etc.
成分: 温和泡沫洁净因子, 维他命E, AHA果酸, 水杨酸, 甘油, 氨基酸等.
Aha, you are an antique addict , aren't you?
啊, 那你是古董迷?
Aha? You catch my drift.
Aha, so that's where she hides her money!
啊哈, 原来她把钱藏在这儿了!
Aha ! A carrot. A big carrot.
阿哈,一个胡萝卜, 一个大胡萝卜.
Aha . Then I suggest that you keep it and let us eat.
The AHA formula exfoliates away dry, chapped layers.
Let those be turned back because of their shame Who say, " Aha , aha! "
诗70:3愿那些对我说 、 阿哈 、 阿哈 的、因羞愧退后.
Dad: Aha, I got it! Come with me.
爸爸: 哈哈, 我有办法了! 跟我来.
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