- 双语例句
You'll be facing a Federal rap for aiding and abetting an escaped convict.
His wife was sentenced to seven years imprisonment for aiding and abetting him.
The United Nations appealed to the people of the developed countries for aiding those of the backward countries.
They contribute directly to civilization by aiding man to extend his control over nature.
They were accused of aiding him in his escape.
The drawing method of aiding projective transformations on H or V is presented.
A system for aiding poor college students has been set up in china.
" By aiding and abetting murder, the Taliban regime is committing murder. "
" I mean, my cousin might be aiding the smaller , weaker people. "
“ 我意思说, 表姐也许是助弱小民族的. ”
——汉英文学 - 围城
Japanese water serpent god who was known for aiding in fertility issues.
The leach aiding effect and action mechanism of leach aid agent citric acid are studied.
That is far from aiding and abetting copyright infringement.
Indirect infringement of intellectual property has three forms: aiding infringement, secondary infringement and infringement by subrogation.
知识产权中的间接侵权有三种形式,即: 帮助侵权 、 二次侵权和代位侵权.
Marines Aiding Evacuation in Beirut ; New Clash in South.
黎南部新起冲突,美海军陆战队协助撤离 贝鲁特.
Conclusion: Propranolol test is an effective method in aiding to diagnosis of CAD.
结论: 心得安试验是协助诊断CAD的有效的无创性检查方法.
He was scolded for aiding and abetting those boys who were fighting.
Polytrauma and impairments relatie to aiding and sexual function had a detrimental effect on outcome.
We should improve the state policy and system for aiding students in straitened circumstances.
——汉英非文学 - 十六大报告
Chilli is already thought to speed up metabolism, aiding weight loss.
此前有研究显示,红辣椒可以加快新陈代谢, 对减肥有一定好处.
The documents also claim that Pakistan's intelligence service was aiding the Afghan insurgency.
A cap like structure at the anterior end of a spermatozoon aiding in egg penetration.
It has been a major part in aiding them to break rules and avoid getting caught.
Yes. Passports are only good for annoying honest folks, and aiding in the flight of rogues.
是的,护照这东西对于好人来说是多余的, 但它却可以帮助坏蛋逃脱追捕.
A Moroccan guestworker in Canada was accused of aiding terrorists.
Then, the economic benefits of aiding state governments are hard to quantify.
此外, 资助州政府所产生的经济效益难以量化.
Q Are hereditary , environment and will equal factors in aiding or retarding the entity's development?
问︰袭的 、 境的和意志原素对个体的发展或迟滞有相同的作用 吗 ?
Are hereditary, environment and will equal factors in aiding or retarding the entity's development?
问︰世袭的 、 环境的和意志原素对个体的发展或迟滞有相同的作用 吗 ?
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