- 双语例句
What does that ammeter read?
那个电表上的度数是 多少 ?
Ammeter, voltmeter, bridge and similar common methods are typical equipment types.
电流表 、 电压表 、 电桥以及类似的常见仪器都属于常用的设备.
He was very attentive to the ammeter.
The ideal ammeter should read zero when its input terminals are left open.
They are widely used in Camera, ammeter , flashlight and other devices.
工业包装广泛适用于摄像机 、 电表、照相机 、 手电筒、智能安防系统等.
Make sure that the dc ammeter indication increases approximately 5 amperes.
The design principle and constitution of remote concentrated ammeter reading system is communication software is described.
A shunt ammeter can be modeled as a voltmeter with a resistor across the input.
A voltammeter is consisted of a voltmeter and an ammeter.
The electronic ammeter an infrared communication module which enhance its ability applying to small building.
Also, the resistor limits the AC gain of the feedback ammeter.
此外, 该电阻器还限制回馈安培表的交流增益.
The guard terminal of the electrometer ammeter or picoammeter is the LO input terminal.
External offset currents can be generated by ionic contamination in the insulators connected to the ammeter.
Make sure that the dc ammeter indication decreases approximately 5 amperes ( returns to original value ).
确保直流电流表指示降低大约5安培 ( 回到初始值 ).
Do not use ammeter in circuits with more than 32 V present.
All the current flowing in the circuit must pass through the ammeter.
The permanent magnet meter can be used as an ammeter or a voltmeter.
The measuring range ammeter can be made by user's.
The most basic instruments include an ammeter, voltmeter, and ohmmeter . 2.
最基本的仪器包括安培表, 电压表和电阻表.
The device quantitatively demonstrating Amp è re force consists of single beam balance , magnet, ammeter, and rheostat.
利用单盘天平、磁极 、 教学用的电表 、 变阻器等器材自制了安培力定量演示装置.
An electric ammeter reading system and its database are developed in the project.
After calibration of the panel ( cabinet ) indicative ammeter, paste special quality certificate on the qualified ammeter.
盘 ( 柜 ) 指示电表经校验后, 对合格的电表粘贴专用合格证.
Note that the current must flow through the ammeter in order to reach the circuit.
Connect the battery and ammeter to the starter as shown in the illustration.
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