- 双语例句
In assembler programming, a name entry.
The design of traffic lights with assembler language feel pretty good!
The filesize is very large for a virus written in pure Assembler language.
My best university experience was in the course where we learned Assembler language.
An assembler operation of conditional assembly and macro generation.
An assembler or a compiler reads a complete source program and generates a compete object module.
It is highly recommended you get NASM assembler too.
The second line of assembler is a jump instruction that jumps 1 byte forward.
When implementing a constructor or destructor in assembler, be sure to preserve the DL register.
当在内嵌汇编程序中实现构造器或析构器时, 应确认保持DL寄存器.
A fall in exports would hurt the component maker more than the assembler, said Anderson.
安德森说:“出口下降对零件制造商的危害大于对组装商的危害. ”
Programmers need to run assembly language through an assembler to translate it into machine language.
What's the difference between an assembler and compiler?
汇编程序和编译程序之间有何判别 呢 ?
From there, you can either go with Stormriders or you can go with the Technology Assembler.
从这开始, 你可以要么出风暴骑士,要么出科技汇编室(高科).
We are looking for a printed circuit board assembler who has upto 6 layers capacity.
Section VI will show the complete solution in Assembler.
Nice assembler for 8051 source code integrity, and can be used directly.
尼斯汇编8051源代码完整, 并可以直接使用.
An assembler that executes on one computer but generates object code for a different computer.
So it request a perfect assembler or many simple assembers.
In assembler programming, one or more operation represented by a combination of terms and paired parentheses.
汇编程序设计中, 用项和括号对的组合所代表的一个或多个操作.
The assembler gave birth to the compiler. Now there are ten thousand languages.
汇编器生编译器, 最后产生上万种高级语言.
The output of a compiler or assembler.
At present, most embedded software is developed in assembler programming language.
Unfortunately, there are no computers that can directly execute assembler language instructions.
The Tao gave birth to machine language. Machine language gave birth to the assembler.
道生机器语言, 机器语言生汇编嚣.
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