- 双语例句
Whenever a plant responds to applied , i . e . , unbalanced, applications of auxin, ethylene is produced.
当一植物对不平衡地施用生长素起反应时, 总是产生乙烯.
Auxin homeostasis, polar transport and signaling affect the whole progress of leaf development.
生长素的稳态调控 、 极性运输和信号转导影响叶片发育的全过程.
It has been reported that ARF gene expression was not effected by auxin concentration.
Apical buds produce a growth hormone called auxin.
These bars buds themselves also produce auxin.
Leaf fall The shedding of leaves , usually associated with a fall in AUXIN concentration.
落叶:即树叶的脱落, 常伴植物激素浓度的降低.
These bats buds themselves also produce auxin.
Also unlike auxin, cytokinins promote the growth of lateral buds , not shoot tips.
同样不同于生长激素, 细胞分裂素促进侧芽的生长, 而不是顶芽的生长.
These buds themselves also produce auxin.
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