- 双语例句
He managed to avert suspicion.
She was so striking that I had to avert my somewhat startled eyes.
They discovered the danger in time, and made shift to avert it.
他们及时地发现了这个危险, 连忙设法挽救过来.
He apologized to avert trouble.
This grave event did not avert the personal crisis between them.
Efforts are being made to avert war and find a diplomatic solution.
There must be immediate action if total chaos is to be avert.
The administration projects the US will avert recession to recording sluggish growth for 1.
Avert your eyes the right side the road and the white line as a guide.
He did nothing to avert it, feeling that reducing the money supply was blunt a tool.
但他没有采取任何措施来遏制泡沫, 认为减少货币供应的方法见效较慢.
The question is can the Federal Reserve do enough to avert a recession?
As a result, the Fed's attempt to avert a recession has almost certainly failed.
后果就是, 美联储避免经济衰退的努力几乎确定无疑会失败.
Can even sacrificial flesh avert your doom? Can you then exult?
难道祭肉可以消除你的灾祸,使你得著欢乐 吗 ?
Then no man, however wise, will be able to avert the consequences that must ensue.
故兵闻拙速, 未睹巧之久也.
He could only avert his eyes; he had never seen a woman naked.
他只能避开眼去; 他从未见过裸体的女人.
They are trying to avert a strike by the actors.
Ignorance does not avert the law.
The administration did, after all, avert the threat of a complete meltdown of the banking industry.
毕竟, 奥巴马政府避免了银行业彻底崩盘的威胁.
His finals were something from which he preferred to avert his mind.
Meanwhile, the British government is scrambling to avert a similar fiasco.
与此同时, 英国政府正赶着避免类似的竹篮打水一场空.
Some improvement Methods : Were obtained for avert the negative effects.
Polluters and corrupt local officials in China are diverting poverty relief funds intended to avert hardship.
Kyrgyzstan, realizing crises in its police reform, is making an effort to avert this unfavorable situation.
吉尔吉斯斯坦警务改革中意识到了危机感, 正致力于缩小或改变这种不利状况.
How to avert it from happening again?
In order to avert spring diseases , medicines are given to every family in the village.
More urgent than confronting the horrors just past is the need to avert a secondary disaster.
Report: Gather the lessons learned after each malware incident to avert similar future incidents.
报告: 在每一次恶意软件事故后收集教训以避免未来的类似事故.
What will the Chinese goverment do to avert the risk of the double dip?
This is actually a natural defense reflex to avert us of little creepy crawlers.
EXAMPLE : To avert disaster, all traffic over the harbor bridge was halted during the typhoon.
为了避免灾祸, 台风期间暂停了港口桥梁上的一切交通.
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