- 双语例句
The bicyclist was cut out by the van.
Prior to being diagnosed with testicular cancer in 1996, Lance Armstrong was a professional bicyclist.
1996年, 阿姆斯特朗被诊断出身患睾丸癌,但是这一噩耗没有击溃这位坚强的自行车运动员.
Most of the casualties were 21~50 years old and were bicyclist, pedestrians and motorcyclist.
伤亡人员主要为21~50岁青壮年,以骑自行车 、 行人和骑摩托车者最多见.
To strike ( a passing bicyclist, for example ) by suddenly opening a vehicular door.
突然撞击突然打开车门撞击 ( 路过骑自行车者等 )
A bicyclist rides past cherry trees in bloom next to the Tidal Basin.
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