- 双语例句
My home on the windowsill, arrayed landscape bonsai pot.
我家的窗台上, 摆着一盆山水盆景.
It's a bonsai tree for your new apartment.
Mother fortunately, is wrapping a bonsai trough, does not gain does not owe, is good!
妈妈还好, 套着一个盆景盆, 不赚不亏, 不错!
The few people like at home placing the bonsai, hoped to at increases some nature breath.
少人喜欢在家里摆放盆栽, 希望为家居增添一些大自然气息.
For all enterprises and institutions, restaurants, hotels offer flowers, bonsai, renting business.
为各企事业单位 、 饭店 、 宾馆提供花卉 、 盆景 、 租摆业务.
Some people thought that the peony cannot the bonsai, this also be one kind of illusion.
有人认为牡丹不能盆栽, 这也是一种错觉.
Enjoyable fairyland, poetic sentiment bonsai, Chinese scenery name card, world geology park.
写意仙境, 诗意盆景, 中国山水名片, 世界地质公园.
He wanted to work on a photographic essay on bonsai.
Care and maintenance of your new bonsai.
Traditional bonsai stump about six, three up, a.
传统的树桩盆景讲究六台 、 三托 、 一顶.
This is also a fungus films, Ganoderma powder, and the processing of Ganoderma lucidum bonsai.
这里也是灵芝片 、 灵芝粉 、 灵芝盆景的加工地.
Flowers & plant cactus, bonsai, palm tree, crafts, wood furniture, pots.
观叶植物, 绿化树, 棕榈类, 盆景 类, 年宵花,园艺资材, 家具.
Tradition and future. The wine house displayed with modern bonsai is immersed in meon lighting.
传统与未来. 这乃不时放置着时尚的盆景及充满着霓虹灯的居酒物.
Luxurious and graceful, a gardenia bonsai tree is a stunning and matchless gift.
豪华而优雅, 是栀子盆景树是一种震撼和无与伦比的礼物.
This article specifically addressed the bonsai cultivation process in the conservation and management matters.
I was founded in 2000, the Main Product for Lotus bonsai.
我公司成立于2000年, 主营产品为荷花盆景.
The dish looks like a bonsai flower.
Certainly, after passes through the ingenious combination bonsai sale price to multiply.
当然, 经过巧妙组合后的盆栽身价倍增.
It was cold, Mary moved all the outdoor bonsai into the house.
天冷了, 玛丽把所有室外的盆栽植物移入室内.
Does it look like a huge natural bonsai?
The characters of bonsai was built and constructed of time, thought, imagination and passion.
盆栽艺术之特色在于每一作品都是时间 、 心血 、 想像与热情所建构、堆砌而成.
Veranda's jujube red, apricot yellow curtain, circuitous rockery, exquisite bonsai, Chinese Pode shade garden effect.
枣红色的游廊 、 杏黄色的帘 、 假山迂回, 盆景精妙, 颇得中华庭院掩映之妙.
Park there are bonsai garden a zoo and a children's play such diverse venues and facilities.
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