- 双语例句
She will never come into the bookstall again.
Perhaps you might chance upon the dictionary at some old bookstall.
As I was looking through some books on a secondhand bookstall , I dropped on just what I wanted.
当我在旧书摊浏览书籍时, 我意外地找到了我所需要的书.
Will newsprint not be available in a few years time, also magazines at the bookstall?
新闻纸将不能在数年之后, 又在书摊杂志?
Are you reading the book you picked up at the bookstall this morning?
Perhaps you might chance on the dictionary at some old bookstall.
A detailed guide to Regimental Chapel is available from the bookstall.
You can buy a guidebook or a tourist map. The bookstall is just over there.
你可以买本导游手册或旅游图. 报亭就在那边.
I bought Yuefei's Complete Biography in the bookstall.
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